Faith Based Communications

Shroud of Turin Eucharistic MiraclesLife after Life Presentation and Exhibit Referrals Biography Links Contact



[See Schedule Below]

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The Faith Based Communications (FBC) Apostolate was established to provide presentations/exhibits without charge to church groups, schools, religious communities, Theology on Tap, and Eucharistic Congresses on subjects related to Christian Faith anywhere in the United States or Canada.  FBC is currently making presentations on the Shroud of Turin, Eucharistic Miracles, as well as Life after Life.  We have been authorized by the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association to exhibit the Vatican's International Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles of the World. 

There is NO speaker fee/honorarium, NOR any request for reimbursement for travel, lodging, or meals associated with any presentations.  We do NOT take up a good will offering and we don't sell anything for profit.  FBC is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt foundation.

COVID-19 PANDEMIC Accommodations: We encourage hosting multiple presentations in the interest of reducing the audience size at each presentation and thus permitting the implementation of appropriate social distancing guidelines.

Shroud of Turin ImageShroud of Turin

FBC's Shroud of Turin Presentation is entitled, "Sacred Cloths of the Passion" and deals with the Shroud of Turin, the Sudarium of Oviedo and the Tunic of Argenteuil. The presentation takes audiences through the history of each cloth, the scientific analyses that have been done, current data that refutes the C-14 dating of the Shroud, analogies between the Man of the Shroud and Jesus through scripture, etc.  The inability to explain the mechanism by which the image on the Shroud was created is also explored, along with the unique photo-negative and 3D characteristics of the image.  Finally, the links among these three cloths having been in contact with the same crucified person, and its implications are examined.  Exhibit materials include full size Shroud images (both positive and negative),  interactive operational VP-8 Image Analyzer, as well as crown of thorns, crucifixion nails, flagrum (whip), 1st century Roman lance, 1/3 size corpus and Shroud for interactively exploring the relative position of body features, images and blood between the body and Shroud, biblical coins, Roman dice, etc. 80-90 minutes + questions.

A Passion Exhibit includes the items identified above, supplemented by display panels arranged by Holy Thursday (Last Supper and Agony in the Garden), Good Friday (Passion), and Easter Sunday (Resurrection).  The display panels include Scriptural references, history of the relics, and the results of scientific studies.  

A Stations of the Cross in the Light of the Sacred Cloths of the Passion presentation is especially appropriate during Lent.  It is accompanied by Exhibit items as described above.  This brief overview integrated into a traditional Stations of the Cross is usually done as a supplement to the Sacred Cloths of the Passion presentation in order to wet people's appetite to learn more and attend the full presentation.

Eucharistic Miracle at LancianoEucharistic Miracles

Eucharistic Miracles Presentation

The Eucharistic Miracles presentation takes audiences through the scriptural basis of the Real Presence, and presents examples of various manifestations typically experienced during a Eucharistic Miracle.  Scientific data associated with the study of a few of the miracles is also presented.   The presentation includes modern Eucharistic Miracles to assure the audience that this is an ongoing phenomenon.  Emphasis is placed on the fact that the Real Presence is there at every consecration regardless of any physical manifestations and to encourage participation in Eucharistic Adoration.  55 minutes + questions.

Vatican's International Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles of the World

We have selected for exhibition approximately half of the 137 Eucharistic miracles (152 panels) approved by the Church.  The Vatican Exhibit is ordinarily made in conjunction with the presentation described below.  We have printed copies of the exhibit in Spanish that are available in binders for attendees that are more comfortable reading Spanish than English.

The LightLife after Life

Life after Life Presentation

This presentation takes attendees through reports of Near-Death Experiences (NDE) spanning thousands of years, and decades of scientific research prompted by medical personnel hearing consistent patient reports of what was experienced during clinical death.  The fear of death is completely lost because now it is known what lies on the other side.  We explore the various 'features' of an NDE and how we know NDEs are real due to 1) verifiable information revealed to the NDE experiencer for which there can be no logical alternative explanation, 2) visual experiences of the blind, 3) Shared-Death Experiences (SDE) that can't be dismissed as caused by the dying brain, lack of oxygen, etc. and 4) dramatic changes for the better in the lives of NDE experiencers.  Scientific study of the NDE has resulted in the revelation that 'consciousness' is something that exists independent of the human brain, which confirms the existence of our supernatural souls.  We discover that these experiences are not reserved for the Mystics.  The most memorable aspect of an NDE is the encounter with The Light and the overwhelming experience of joy, peace, love and comfort it conveys.  We are left with the unquestionable message that we must love each other fully and unconditionally in order to fulfill our mission here on earth.   NDE experiencers no longer 'believe' there is a God; they 'know' He exists, having met Him in The Light.   The presentation is consistent with traditional Church teaching, supported by scientific studies.  60 minutes + questions.

Exhibition of Near-Death Experiences

This exhibition provides brief summaries of the reported experiences of persons who have had Near-Death Experiences (NDE) and Shared-Death Experiences (SDE).  They include the reports of adults, children, blind, medical personnel, NDE researchers, etc.  Also included are reports of saints who raised the dead, and visions of hell and purgatory as reported by well known saints.  These reports are supplemented by facts and statistics resulting from 45 years of exhaustive scientifically based research of NDE experiences, including peer reviewed publications in the highly respected JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) and its British equivalent LANCET.

Español- Accommodations for Hispanic Communities

Presentations can be made in various ways to make them more accessible to parishioners that are more familiar with Spanish than English. 
Option 1: Present with dual screens.   One screen has graphics related to what is being discussed.  The other screen has a Spanish translation of the key points being presented in English.  This is best for mixed audiences.  This is also best for Hispanic attendees that have a good grasp of spoken English, but prefer to read in Spanish.
Option 2: Bilingual presentation with an interpreter.  Disadvantage: presentations are much longer.
Option 3: We can prepare a bilingual parishioner to make the actual presentation using our materials, which includes both slides and notes in Spanish.  This is the best alternative for predominantly Hispanic audiences, and especially for those who don't have a good grasp of spoken English.

Français - Accomodations for  French  speaking communities -  Similar to  that shown above for  Spanish communities.


Click here for archived 2019 schedule
Click here for archived 2020 schedule
Click here for archived 2021 schedule
2022=>=>Click here for archived 2022 schedule
2023=>=>Click here for archived 2023 schedule
1/4/24 LAChurch PointSt. Edward Roman Catholic Church (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/5/24LAChurch PointSt. Edward Roman Catholic Church (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/6/24LAChurch PointSt. Edward Roman Catholic Church (Life After Life)
1/6/24LALafayetteSt. Edmond Catholic Church (Life after Life)
1/7/24LALafayetteSt. Edmond Catholic Church (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/7/24LALafayetteSt. Edmond Catholic Church (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/7/24LALafayetteSt. Edmond Youth Group - Confirmation Class (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/11/24FLNaplesSt. Agnes Catholic Church Youth Group (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/11/24 - 1/14/24 FLNaplesSt. Agnes Catholic Church (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/15/24FLCoral SpringsSt. Andrew Catholic Church (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/16/24FLParklandMary Help of Christiians Catholic Church (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/18/24FLParklandMary Help of Christians School (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/19/24FLCoral SpringsSt. Andrew - Youth Adoration Groups  (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/24/24FLBoynton BeachSt. Mark (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/25/24FLBoynton BeachSt. Mark (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/26/24FLNorth LauderdaleOur Lady Queen of Heaven (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/27/24 - 1/28/24FLKey BiscayneSt. Agnes Catholic Church (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/29/24 - 1/30/24FLKey BiscayneSt. Agnes Catholic Church (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/30/24 - 1/31/24FL Key BiscayneSt. Agnes Academy (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/30/24 - 1/31/24FLKey BiscayneSt. Agnes Academy (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/30/24 - 1/31/24FLKey BiscayneSt. Agnes CCD (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/1/24FLBoca RatonSt. Jude (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/2/24FLBoca RatonSt. Jude Catholic School (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/2/24FLBoca RatonSt. Jude (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/3/24 - 2/4/24FLPlantationSt. Gregory the Great (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/6/24FLFt. MyersSt. Columbkille Catholic Church (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/6/24FLFt. MyersSt. Columbkille Catholic Church (Life after Life)
2/9/24FLFt. MyersBishop Verot High School (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/10/24 - 2/11/24FLBrooksvilleSt. Anthony the Abbot (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/15/24 - 2/16/24FLFt. LauderdaleSt Pius X (Life after Life)
2/16/24 - 2/17/24FLFt. LauderdaleSt Piux X (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/17/24 - 2/18/24FLFt. LauderdaleSt Piux X (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/19/24 FLMiamiOur Lady of Lebanon (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/20/24FLMiamiOur Lady of Lebanon (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/21/24FLMiamiUniversity of Florida - Arabic Club (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/21/24FLMiamiLIttle Flower School (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/21/24FLMiamiOur Lady of Lebanon (Life after Life)
2/24/24FLDoralOur Lady of Guadalupe (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/25/24FLDoralOur Lady of Guadalupe (Eucharistic Miracles)
3/15/24COBoulderSacred Heart of Mary Catholic Parish (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
3/16/24COBoulderSacred Heart of Mary Catholic Parish (Eucharistic Miracles)
3/17/24COBoulderSacred Heart of Mary Catholic Parish (Life after Life)
3/23/24 - 3/24/24COArvadaSpirit of Christ (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/5/24CAMaywoodSt. Rose of Lima (Life after Life)
4/6/24 - 4/8/24CAMaywoodSt. Rose of Lima  (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
4/7/24CAMaywoodSt. Rose of Lima (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/8/24CAMaywoodSt. Rose of Lima School (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/9/24CAMaywoodSt. Rose of Lima - Confirmation Students (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/10/24CAPico RiveraSt. Hilary (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
4/11/24CAPico RiveraSt. Hilary (Life after Life)
4/12/24CAPico RiveraSt. Hilary (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/13/24CAEl CajonThe Church of St Luke (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
4/14/24CAEl CajonThe Church of St Luke (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/15/24CAApple ValleyOur Lady of the Desert (Life after Life)
4/16/24CAApple ValleyOur Lady of the Desert (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/18/24 - 4/19/24CACoronadoSacred Heart Parish School (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/20/24 - 4/21/24CACoronadoSacred Heart Church (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/20/24 - 4/21/24CACoronadoSacred Heart - Catholic Religious Education Classes (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/21/24CAThousand OaksSt. Paschal Baylon - Confirmation Students (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/22/24CAThousand OaksSt. Paschal Baylon - First Communion Class (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/22/24 - 4/23/24CAThousand OaksSt. Paschal  Baylon Parish (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/23/24CAThousand OaksSt. Paschal Baylon School (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/26/24CASan FranciscoStella Maris Academy (Eucharistic Miracles)
4/26/24 - 4/28/24CASan FranciscoStar of the Sea  (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
4/26/24 - 4/28/24CASan FranciscoStar of the Sea  (Eucharistic Miracles)
5/26/24ItalyLancianoEucharistic Miracles
5/27/24ItalyAssisiLife after Life
5/28/24ItalyRomeSacred Cloths of the Passion
5/29/24 - 5/31/24Bosnia-HercogovinaMedjugorjePilgrimage
6/7/24 - 6/8/24CASan DimasSacred Hearts Secular Branch - Annual Conference
Holy Name of Mary (Eucharistic Miracles)
6/9/24CAChino HillsSt. Paul the Apostle (Eucharistic Miracles)
6/15/24CASanta AnaChrist our Savior (Eucharistic Miracles)
6/15/24CASanta AnaChrist our Savior (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
6/16/24CAPico RiveraSt. Mariana de Paredes (Eucharistic Miracles)
6/16/24 - 6/17/24CAPico RiveraSt. Mariana de Paredes (Life after Life)
6/17/24 - 6/18/24CAPico RiveraSt. Mariana de Paredes (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
6/18/24 - 6/19/24 CASan DiegoSt. Charles (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
6/19/24 - 6/20/24CASan DiegoSt. Charles (Eucharistic Miracles)
6/22/24 CACoronaCorpus Christi (Life after Life)
6/23/24CACoronaCorpus Christi (Eucharistic Miracles)
6/23/24CACoronaCorpus Christi (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
9/6/24COBroomfieldNativity Catholic Church (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
9/10/24 - 9/11/24ILHighwoodChrist Our Hope parish - St. James worship site (Eucharistic Miracles)
9/11/24 - 9/12/24ILHighwoodChrist Our Hope parish - St. James worship site (Life after Life)
9/12/24 - 9/13/24ILHighwoodChrist Our Hope parish - St. James worship site (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
9/16/24 - 9/17/24ILTinley ParkSt. Julie Billiart Parish (Eucharistic Miracles)
9/17/24 - 9/18/24ILTinley ParkSt. Julie Billiart Parish (Life after Life)
9/18/24 - 9/19/24ILTinley ParkSt. Julie Billiart Parish (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
9/21/24 - 9/22/24NYSaugertiesChurch of St. Mary of the Snow & St. John Parish (Eucharistic Miracles)
9/22/24NYSaugertiesChurch of St. Mary of the Snow & St. John Parish (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
9/25/24 NYHopewell JunctionSt. Denis Catholic Church (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
9/26/24 NYHopewell JunctionSt. Denis Catholic Church (Life after Life)
10/1/24 - 10/2/24NYMonroeSacred Heart - St. Patrick (Eucharistic Miracles)
10/2/24 - 10/3/24NYMonroeSacred Heart - St. Patrick (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
10/3/24 - 10/4/24NYMonroeSacred Heart - St. Patrick (Life after Life)
10/6/24NYFlushingSt. Kevins Church (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
10/6/24NYFlushingSt. Kevin Religious Education Students (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
10/10/24NYFresh MeadowsHoly Family Church (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
10/13/24NYPearl RiverSt. Margaret Catholic Church (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/3/25ARBentonvilleSt. Stephen (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/4/25 - 1/5/25MSGreenvilleSt. Joseph (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/7/25MSGreenvilleSt. Joseph (Life after Life)
1/17/25 - 1/18/25FLTallahasseeCo-Cathedral of St. Thomas More (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/18/25 - 1/19/25FLTallahasseeCo-Cathedral of St. Thomas More (Life after Life)
1/18/25 - 1/19/25FLTallahasseeCo-Cathedral of St. Thomas More (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/22/25 - 1/23/25FLOcalaBlessed Trinity (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/23/25FLOcalaBlessed Trinity Catholic School (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/23/25 - 1/24/25FLOcalaBlessed Trinity (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/24/25FLOcalaBlessed Trinity (Life after Life)
1/25/25 - 1/26/25FLGainesvilleQueen of Peace (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/27/25FLGainesvilleQueen of Peace (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/29/25FLCoral SpringsSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Eucharistic Miracles)
1/30/25FLCoral SpringsSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
1/31/25FLCoral SpringsSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Life after Life)
2/2/25FLPort St. LucieHoly Family (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/2/25FLPort St. LucieHoly Family (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/3/25FLPort St. LucieHoly Family (Life after Life)
TBDFLDaytonaBasilica School of St Paul (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/4/25 - 2/5/25FLDaytonaBasilica of St Paul (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/5/25 - 2/6/25FLDaytonaBasilica of St Paul (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/6/25FLDaytonaBasilica of St. Paul (Life after Life)
2/7/25 FLWillistonHoly Family (Life after Life)
2/8/25FLWillistonHoly Family (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/9/25FLWillistonHoly Family (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/14/25 - 2/15/25FLPensacolaCathedral of the Sacred Heart (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/15/25 - 2/16/25FLPensacolaCathedral of the Sacred Heart (Eucharistic Miracles)
2/27/25COBoulderSacred Heart of Mary (Sacred Cloths of the Passion)
2/28/25COBoulderSacred Heart of Mary (Eucharistic Miracles)
3/1/25COBoulderSacred Heart of  Mary (Life after Life)
7/31/25 - 8/3/25MOSt. LouisShroud of Turin 2025 Conference & Symposium